Teething – Nashua, NH
Caring for Your Baby’s Developing Smile
As great as it is for a parent to see their baby smile, it can be significant on the other end of the spectrum when they cry out in pain. At Simply Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics, our dentists understand how trying the teething phase can be for you and your little one, which is why we are here to share some advice on caring for your baby’s developing smile. But if you need urgent assistance, contact our pediatric dentist in Nashua today!
What Is Teething?

At 6-12 months old, your baby’s once-gummy smile begins to transform as their primary teeth break through the gumline. In response, your little one may become irritable, show signs of discomfort or have difficulty sleeping soundly. In most cases, their bottom and top teeth will emerge first, while their remaining 20 primary ones come in gradually until about age three.
Indications Your Baby Is Having Trouble with Teething

During the process of teething in Nashua, it’s natural for your baby to experience common symptoms, including:
- Rubbing their cheeks
- Pulling their ears
- Biting their hands or teething toy to relieve pressure
- Facial rashes
- Not eating as much as they used to
- Difficulty sleeping at night
- Fussiness or irratability
On the other hand, if your baby starts showing any of the symptoms listed below in conjunction with their teething, you should schedule an appointment with their doctor as soon as possible:
- More than two bouts of diarrhea
- A temperature over 102 degress Farenheit
- A severe cough or cold develops
- More than a few droplets of blood
When We Need to See Your Teething Baby

We recommend bringing them in for their initial visit when their first tooth emerges or when they turn one year old to ensure your child’s oral health is in stellar standing. That way, we can conduct a thorough exam, address any concerns and guide you through caring for your little one’s smile. In fact, even if everything is completely normal, we’d be happy to share some useful tips to relieve your baby’s discomfort, such as:
- Offering your child a cold, rubber teething toy (just put it in the freezer beforehand to help numb their gums as they chew)
- Massaging your baby's gums with a clean finger
Is it time for your baby’s first appointment? Or would you like to speak with our team more in-depth about relieving your child’s discomfort during the teething process? Contact our office today so our knowledgeable dentist for infants in Nashua can help!